Karen Tom is a licensed physical therapist in the state of New Jersey and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Karen graduated from Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California with a Master of Physical Therapy degree and has been practicing physical therapy for over 30 years. Karen is certified in the Graston Technique and Functional Movement Screening. She is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and specializes in the treatment of sports injuries.

Karen is a Certified Health and Life Coach. She is certified by the Health Coach Institute. She is a member of the International Coaching Federation. Karen is certified in HeartMath, a program designed to regulate heart rate and heart rate variability through specific breathing techniques. Karen is also a Certified Sleep Coach.

Karen resides in Madison, NJ with her husband and her dog, Cal. Her 2 sons are in college! She has volunteered extensively with Madison High School Sports Medicine, Madison YMCA and the Madison Education Foundation. She is a Level 4 USA Hockey coach and has coached with Madison High School, NJ Colonials organization, Chatham-Madison High School Girl’s team and Harding-Madison Ice Hockey. Karen loves hiking and being in the great outdoors.



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